Monday, March 2, 2015

FRE 124 Season 2: Ayiti cheri

So the class started off for the second season this semester. Our first cookout was for Haitian Cuisine, and my assignment was to make a meat dish.

Initially, Juliet suggested that I try this shrimp recipe, but I was too scared of the cost, so I settled for looking for a pork dish. Just as well, because it was Morris's first time to eat pork.

I now can't find the recipe I used because I was so tired when I was shoppng the night before the class. I think it was this one. Whatever the case, it looked very much like the one I cooked last semester with chicken, so I just went through the same process. I washed the meat in lime juice, marinated it in lime, orange and herbs for a few hours, fried the meat and made the sauce.

I really like the tangy taste that lime adds to meat. I think I want to make this marinade something I do at home.

This was a really exciting class. Wait till you get to hear how Jean turned her neighbor into a taster for her pumpkin soup, how Mercy used cornflakes in her recipe, how Juliet discovered new recipes for beans, how Morris found out what some ingredients actually looked like, and how Armand discovered the charm of cooking for his "first lady."

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